Oversize/Overweight Permit Single Trip Permit Permit# OSW2024-9984, UID# 38469
App. Status: Expired
Valid: 07/27/2024 - 08/01/2024
St. Louis County
Public Works Department
4787 Midway Road
Duluth, MN 55811
(218) 625-3830


  • County Highway - A county-state-aid-highway (CSAH), county road (CR) or unorganized township road (UT).

    Duluth Metro Area - The area bounded by the following roads: Becks Road (CSAH 3), Midway Road (CSAH 13), Martin Road (CSAH 9/10), Jean Duluth Road (CSAH 37), Zimmerman Road/Lismore Road (CSAH 43), McQuade Road (CSAH 33).

    Holidays - New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Fishing Opener Weekend, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas

    Permittee - The party which was issued the approved permit.

  • (1) The move shall not begin until the permit is approved. (2) A hard copy or electronic version displayed on a mobile device of the approved permit must be in the vehicle during the move. (3) Vehicle Registration - Vehicle must be registered for its permitted weight. A St. Louis County Oversize/Overweight Permit does not increase a vehicle's registered weight. (4) Evaluation of Route - Permittee is responsible to review the route on county highways in order to verify the route is adequate. This review shall include, but not be limited to, the review of the available roadway width and overhead obstructions, and road or bridge weight restrictions. (5) Non-County Highways - The permit only authorizes movement on county highways. Approval must be obtained from the appropriate road authority to travel on non-county highways. (6) Bad Weather/Road Conditions - Movement is not allowed during hazardous weather or road conditions, or when visibility is less than 500', or when winds prevent the vehicle from staying within its travel lane. (7) Right-of-Way - On two-lane roadways, a police escort must precede a vehicle that encroaches over the roadway centerline into oncoming traffic. (8) Warning Devices (a) Flags - Red or orange warning flags, 18" square, are to be displayed at widest parts and ends of the load when width exceeds 9' and/or length exceeds 75', (b) Lights - Warning lights are required whenever signs are required. Lights may be flashing, strobe, or rotating beacon and must be visible from a distance of no less than 500', (c) Signs - Oversize Load signs are required on front and rear of vehicle when width exceeds 12'6" and/or length exceeds 95'. Signs must be lighted or of reflective material between sunset and sunrise and visible at least 500'. (9) Pilot Car Escort - Pilot car escort drivers must be trained and certified through the Minnesota Department of Public Safety's Certified Pilot Car Escort Driver Program. An escort vehicle can only be a passenger vehicle, light duty van, a two axle pickup truck or a two-axle single unit truck in proper operating condition. A pre-trip meeting between driver and escorts is required before moving. A pilot car escort, with lead and rear escort vehicles, is required when the truck/trailer/load combination is over 14'6" wide or 110' long. (10) Posted Roads, Bridges, Detours - Permittee must comply with all posted road and bridge restrictions. (11) Rear Visibility Required - The hauling vehicle must be equipped with mirrors that provide the driver a rear view of the highway for a distance of at least 200'. (12) Travel Hours - In general, travel is not restricted up to 14'6" wide; 110' long; 16' high; unless noted otherwise on the permit. (a) Holiday Travel Restrictions - Travel is not allowed from 2:00 pm the day before a holiday to 2:00 am the day after a holiday when exceeding 9'0" wide and/or 110'0" long. (b) Summer Travel Restrictions (weekend after Memorial Day through weekend before Labor Day) - No travel allowed from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Fridays and Sundays, when exceeding 9'0" wide and/or 110'0" long. (c) Rush Hour Restrictions (Duluth Metro Area) - Travel is not allowed Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 8:30 am and 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm when exceeding 14'6" wide and/or 110'0" long and/or 16'0" high, unless noted otherwise on the permit. (13) Liability for Damage - Permittee is responsible for all liability of personal injury, property damage, or time lost which may occur in relation to this permit. In the event that a claim is made against St. Louis County, by reason of or in connection with any act or omission, the Permittee shall defend, indemnify and hold them harmless from any claim. (14) Repair of Damage - Permittee agrees to repair at their own expense and to the satisfaction of St. Louis County any damage to county highways, traffic signs, traffic signals or structures. Work to repair such damage may be completed by St. Louis County and the cost of such work will be the responsibility of the Permittee.

Invoice #25387 (07/26/2024)

Charge Cost Quantity Total
added 07/26/2024 3:05 PM

Submit payment within 30 days of permit application. Payable to ST. LOUIS COUNTY AUDITOR. Please note the permit number when making payment. Thank you.

$20.00 x 1 $20.00
Grand Total
Total $20.00
Payment 07/26/2024$20.00
Action: Print  


ApplicantRobin Colombe - 07/26/2024 3:06 PM
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